Student Benefits


High school art students from Morris, Sussex, Warren, and Somerset Counties are invited to create whimsical art in any media (except videos) for display at the museum.

Please read the section on “Rules.” Click the link “Apply.” Fill out the application and upload a digital photo of your artwork and submit it. your name, your cell & email address, your high school, and your art teacher’s name.

The photo will not be judged. It is merely to attribute which artist is creating what art work. No student artist will be denied participation up until all available capacity (wall space to hang artwork) is fully used up. Participants are selected on a “First come, first serve” basis.


High school art students from Morris, Sussex, Warren, and Somerset Counties are invited to create whimsical art in any media (except videos) for display at the museum and art teachers are invited to encourage their art students to submit their works for display. To be eligible for a scholarship, art students must create and display their whimsical art at the Museum of Whimsical Art by applying online under ‘”Participation.” Semiannual juried exhibitions will be held in which objective, non-local art judges will evaluate student art. The judges will evaluate all students’ exhibited works and determine a first, second, third, and forth place awards. Those top 4 students will be awarded art scholarships as follows:

  • 1 st place–­$1,200
  • 2nd place–$900
  • 3rd place–$600
  • 4th place–$300.

The judges’ criteria for evaluating all art work will emphasize first, CREATIVITY, second WHIMSY, and third EXECUTION. The public in attendance at the exhibition will be requested to fill out a very brief anonymous for indicating their favorite whimsical art creations. The judges, in their sole discretion, may weigh PUBLIC SENTIMENT as an additional criteria for awarding scholarships. Students are invited to visit our premises at 389 Route 46, Budd Lake, NJ for ideas or inspiration. Application and Rules for submission are available on this website. No fees will be required to enter. All art work must be whimsical in nature. The teachers of the award winning student artists will appropriately recognized.

Student Benefits

MOWA has art studios and a large gallery located at 169 Smithtown Road, Budd Lake, NJ. It is in the tan barn behind the blue house.

Those student artists who obtained scholarships are eligible, with parental consent, to use the studio space rent free. Students can independently create more art in a semi private studio on their own time schedules for a period of 6 months. Tables, chairs, storage shelves for materials are provided at no charge. Art supplies may be purchased by each student free of sales tax. Students are free to display their work in the on-site gallery premises, bring home their works, or to sell their works as they see fit. To cover utility expenses such electric, heating fuel, repairs, and maintenance, a one time fee of $390.00 ( only $65 per month) is required at the time you agree to use the studio space. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE CREATIVE ON YOUR OWN! GRAB IT!

More Benefits

MOWA has art studios and a large gallery located at 169 Smithtown Road, Budd Lake, NJ. It is in the tan barn behind the blue house. Those student artists who obtained scholarships are eligible, with parental consent, to use the studio space rent free. Students can independently create more art in a semi private studio on their own time schedules for a period of 6 months. Tables, chairs, storage shelves for materials are provided at no charge. Art supplies may be purchased by each student free of sales tax. Students are free to display their work in the on-site gallery premises, bring home their works, or to sell their works as they see fit. To cover utility expenses such electric, heating fuel, repairs, and maintenance, a one time fee of $390.00 (only $65 per month) is required at the time you agree to use the studio space. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE CREATIVE ON YOUR OWN! GRAB IT!

High school artists who enter their work at the MOWA may eventually achieve significant recognition, respect, or fame. If those fortunate students succeed, they are encouraged to give back as volunteers and/or contributors so a new crop of MOWA student artists can also succeed. Beneficiaries who give back create a self- perpetuating and expanding group of new whimsical artists/beneficiaries who also can earn significant recognition in the art world. Resume enhancement, artistic respect, career building, and perhaps fortune may ensue.

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